Schools and Kindergartens working with Steiner-Waldorf-Education are spreading quickly around the world. They always evolve out of the initiative of parents or teachers who are looking for ways of education which focus on the individual potential of development as the grounding of a society in which the ideals of freedom, equalitiy and brotherlihood stimulate each other.
In order to protect the qualitiy and the essential pedagogical principles of Waldorf-Pedagogic, the Waldorfpedagogical movement has decided to protect the name. The growing approval of this pedagogical impulse demands clear information about the full recognition of a school as a Waldorf-School.
The German Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen in Deutschland (BdFWS) therefore inhabits the international rights on the name and trademark. In close connection with the Pedagogical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, the "Friends of Waldorf Education", IASWECE - International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education and the International Council for Steiner Waldorf Education publishes the Waldorf World List, which includes the names of all Waldorf- and Steiner Schools/ Kindergarten and the fully recognized teacher-training centers.
The list is being updated frequently and can be downloaded here.